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The first Industrial Product Design department in Taiwan to enroll students under the Humanities and Arts category.
The implementation of the 'Final Exhibition' system for individual students on a semester basis, which reviews the overall exhibition of works from various design-related courses, has been in place since its inception.
第一次國際設計競賽獲獎:SONY: The International Idea, Design Competition for the Future of Home,亞洲區首獎
First international design competition award: SONY: The International Idea, Design Competition for the Future of Home, winning the first prize in the Asia region.
第一次參與新一代設計展:以大一、大二在校生作品參展,並出版專輯《1995 1.2.3作品集》
First participation in the Yodex Design Exhibition: showcasing works by freshmen and sophomores, and publishing the album '1995 1.2.3 Works Collection
第一次舉辦國際設計工作營「Stimulus & Integration」,指導教授:Prof. Sven Gourd(挪威)
The first International Design Workshop 'Stimulus & Integration' was held, with guidance from Professor Sven Gourd from Norway.
首次受義大利Misura Emme Group邀請參與「They will be famous」家具設計競賽(義大利8校、海外3校受邀),獲得首獎;次年又獲邀請參賽,再獲首獎
The first invitation to participate in the 'They Will Be Famous' furniture design competition by the Italian Misura Emme Group (with 8 Italian schools and 3 overseas schools invited), winning the first prize; the following year, another invitation to compete was received, and again won the first prize.
The first graduating class to participate in the Yodex Design Exhibition, breaking away from group submissions, with each student required to individually complete at least 2 design works.
第一本畢業作品集《DNA: Dreams N’ Actions》正式出版(ISBN957-531-525-1),第一版印製1000冊於新一代設計展中售罄;繼由台灣淑馨出版社、中國黑龍江出版社再版發行
The first graduation portfolio, 'DNA: Dreams N' Actions,' was officially published (ISBN 957-531-525-1), with an initial print run of 1000 copies, all sold out at the Yodex Design Exhibition; subsequently reprinted and distributed by Taiwan's Shuxin Publishing House and China's Heilongjiang Publishing House.
台灣首度獲義大利國際資訊電信展(SMAU),青年設計師獎(全球一名)SMAU Information and Communication Technology Award, Italy – Targa Bonetto Award
Taiwan won the SMAU Information and Communication Technology Award, Italy - Targa Bonetto Award for Young Designers (one recipient globally), marking the first time Taiwan has received this prestigious honor at the international event.
由台灣學校提出之在學生作品首度入選美國ID Magazine Annual Review,獲Design Distinction Award
The first time student works submitted by Taiwanese schools were selected for inclusion in the ID Magazine Annual Review in the United States, receiving the Design Distinction Award.
第一次受邀海外參展:日本名古屋設計中心(IdCN)Design: The Next Generation,台灣唯一參展學校,展出作品22件(86.03.05-16)
The first invitation to exhibit overseas: at the Design: The Next Generation event hosted by the Nagoya Design Center (IdCN) in Japan. Taiwan was the only participating school, showcasing 22 works (March 5-16, 1986).
法國St. Etienne國際設計雙年展,首次邀請台灣設計院校參展,台灣唯一獲邀參展學校,展出作品8件(87.01.06-15)
The International Design Biennial of Saint-Étienne in France invited Taiwanese design institutes to exhibit for the first time. Taiwan was the only invited school, showcasing 8 works (January 6-15, 1987).
The first domestic institution to be approved for membership as an educational category member of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID).
第一次外國企業產學合作案(88-89):法國Alcatel電信公司巴黎總部委託「第三代未來通訊產品概念設計」,成果於2000年德國漢諾威CeBIT Show(89.02.24-03.01)及法國St. Etienne國際設計雙年展(89.10.07-15)展出
The first international industry-academia collaboration project (88-89): French telecommunications company Alcatel, headquartered in Paris, commissioned the "Concept Design for Third Generation Future Communication Products". The results were exhibited at the CeBIT Show in Hanover, Germany (February 24th to March 1st, 1989) and at the International Design Biennial Exhibition in St. Etienne, France (October 7th to 15th, 1989).
The International Exhibition of Interior and Home Decoration Design in Verona, Italy (October 12th to 15th, 1989), invited Taiwan design institutes for the first time. Taiwan was the only invited exhibiting country, showcasing 12 pieces of work.
第一次獲國際媒體報導:義大利設計雜誌Interni (89年7/8月號,503期)專文報導,p.172-175
The first international media coverage: The Italian design magazine Interni (July/August 1989, issue 503) featured a special report on pages 172-175.
The first participation of graduate works in the Yodex Design Exhibition.
The first invitation to exhibit in China: The 1st Qingdao International Design Festival (November 15th to 17th, 1991), showcasing 20 physical works.
The first initiative for international online judging, inviting 21 design experts and scholars from 9 countries to provide 137 opinions.
學生獲選第一屆德國iF Design Award Concept, Excellence Award
The student was selected for the inaugural German iF Design Award Concept, receiving the Excellence Award.
日本東京設計週Tokyo Designer’s Week(93.10.07-11)首次邀請台灣學校參展(共55校參展,其中10所為海外學校),實踐工設展出作品5件
The Tokyo Designer’s Week in Japan (October 7th to 11th, 1993) invited Taiwanese schools for the first time, with a total of 55 schools participating, including 10 overseas schools. The SCID exhibited 5 pieces of work.
is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard
第一次跨國、跨校設計研究:與德國科隆應用科技大學國際設計學院(KISD共同執行「跨文化合作之設計研究—工作現場之行為分析與設計詮釋」,並舉行移地設計工作營(德國科隆),成果發表於義大利Designing Designers 2005研討會(94.04.16)及《if, Inter-Frequency……》(ISBN957-9129-43-6)pp.51-74
The first cross-national and cross-school design research: Collaborating with the International School of Design at Cologne University of Applied Sciences (KISD) on the project "Cross-cultural Collaboration in Design Research - Behavioral Analysis and Design Interpretation in the Workplace." A design workshop was held in Cologne, Germany, and the results were presented at the Designing Designers 2005 conference in Italy (April 16th, 1994) and published in "if, Inter-Frequency……" (ISBN 957-9129-43-6), pp. 51-74.
The first cross-school, cross-department management course: Collaborating with the EMBA program at the College of Management, National Taiwan University, to offer the course "Design and Strategic Marketing." The course was co-planned and taught by five instructors, including Professor Cheng-Neng Kuan, Professor Wan-Ju Chou, Professor Chen-Hui Lu from National Taiwan University, and Professor Chi-Jen Lee and Professor Heng-Chiang Huang. Seven case studies were completed, and classes were conducted both at National Taiwan University and at SCID.
義大利米蘭國際家具展第8屆Salone Satellite(94.04.13-18)首次邀請台灣學校參展,全球遴選24校,實踐工設展出作品10件
The 8th edition of the Salone Satellite at the Milan International Furniture Fair in Italy (April 13th to 18th, 1994) invited Taiwanese schools for the first time. Among the 24 schools selected worldwide, SCID exhibited 10 pieces of work.
第一次獲美國工業設計傑出設計獎(IDEA, Industrial Design Excellent Award, 銅獎
The first recipient of the American Industrial Design Excellence Award (IDEA), Bronze Award.
台灣設計院校學生首度獲國際紅點設計競賽(Red Dot Award)分類首獎(Best of the Best)
The first time a student from a Taiwanese design school won the Best of the Best award in the international Red Dot Design Competition.
義大利米蘭國際家具會外展第1屆That’s Design – Zona Tortona 2007(96.04.18-23)首次邀請設計院校參展,全球11國20校參與,實踐工設為台灣唯一獲邀,展出作品26件
The inaugural That’s Design – Zona Tortona 2007, an off-site event of the Milan International Furniture Fair in Italy (April 18th to 23rd, 2007), invited design schools to participate for the first time. A total of 20 schools from 11 countries were involved. The Department of Industrial Design at Shih Chien University was the only school invited from Taiwan, showcasing 26 pieces of work.
獲美國商業週刊(Business Week, 96.10.15出刊)評選為全球前60名、亞洲前11名設計院校
Selected by Business Week (issue dated October 15, 2007) as one of the top 60 design schools globally and among the top 11 in Asia.
The first overseas internship at a design company: As part of the Ministry of Education's "Dream-Building Voyage: Overseas Professional Internship Program," three students were selected to undertake a one-month professional internship at EOOS Design Company in Vienna, Austria.
參與第二屆德國科隆Rhein Design Festival(97.06.18-22),首次邀請台灣學校參展
Participated in the 2nd Rhein Design Festival in Cologne, Germany (June 18th to 22nd, 2008), with Taiwanese schools invited to exhibit for the first time.
碩士班暨碩士在職專班獲美國商業週刊(Business Week, 98.09)評選為全球前30名最佳設計課程,為我國唯一獲選之設計學系
The Master's Program and Executive Master's Program were selected by Business Week (September 2009) as one of the top 30 best design programs worldwide, making it the only design department in Taiwan to receive this recognition.
For the first time, a symposium focused on user experience was held, involving cross-school, cross-department, and cross-strait industry practices and academic discussions. This event was organized in collaboration with the Department of Psychology at Soochow University and featured multiple lectures and interactive sessions with the User Experience Design Department of "Taobao."
大學部陳冠瑞同學經甄選赴美國羅德島州孩之寶(HASBRO)公司進行兩個月專業有薪實習,為台灣首次且唯一獲選同學。連續受邀參與第一屆及第二屆西班牙馬德里國際產品設計展( PDM, Product Design Madrid) ,為台灣學校唯一獲邀參展並獲外交部於網頁以專文專頁報導
Undergraduate student Guan-Rui Chen was selected for a two-month paid professional internship at Hasbro in Rhode Island, USA, making him the first and only student from Taiwan to be chosen. Additionally, the school was invited to participate in both the first and second Product Design Madrid (PDM) in Spain, being the only Taiwanese school invited. This achievement was prominently featured on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website with a dedicated article and webpage.