
About US


About Us

實踐大學工業產品設計學系創立於 1992 年,1998 年因應設計趨勢演變以及產業發展需求,設立研究所碩士班,學士班人才養成以「專業學習、國際視野、實務導向」 三大目標為主,而碩士班更著重於「實務與理論並重、跨領域課題研究」兩方面。

實踐大學工業產品設計學系識別標誌之設計構想,是以本系英文名稱縮寫字母 S、C、I、D 的排列為基礎。於英文字母排列中,運用我國相傳「開運印鑑」內印 文疏密、筆劃空間的佈局原理,並邀請傳統製印師傳 以「開運印鑑」手法,於象徵圓滿的圓形中雕刻而成,內含有鑑往知來的寓意。取此植基於我國文化中深層信仰的形式,以及將其構想在國際舞台上的獨特性,作為本系未來與全球設計界互動交流的代表。

系所在 2007 年美國商業週刊 (Business Week) 評選頂尖設計學校 (The Top Design School)、2009 年美國商業週刊 (Business Week) 評選為全球三十所最佳設計系所之一 (The World’s Best Design Programs, TOP 30),而 2014、2016、2017 以及 2019 年 Ranker 網站評比全球最佳 30 所設計學校。在課程規劃上,除設計知識的學習外,更强調創作性的操作體驗;透過對人文、心理、社會與科技工程等相關知識來養成理解、自我反省與跨域批判思維,使學生在創作驗證中,領會工業設計的多層次內涵與多面向的價值訴求。

The Department of Industrial Design at Shih Chien University was established in 1992. In response to the evolving trends in design and the development needs of the industry, the department established a master's program in 1998. The goals for the undergraduate program are “Professionalism, Internationalization, and Industrialization,” whereas “the combination of theories and practices and the interdisciplinary studies across all fields” are set for the graduate programs.

The design concept for the department's logo is based on the arrangement of the initials "S," "C," "I," and "D" of the department's English name. The layout incorporates the principles of spacing and brush stroke arrangement found in the traditional Chinese practice of designing auspicious seals. The department invited a traditional seal engraver to use the technique of "auspicious seal carving" within a circle that symbolizes completeness, embedding the meaning of learning from the past to predict the future. This approach is rooted in the deep-seated cultural beliefs of our country and expresses a unique identity on the international stage, representing the department's future interactions and exchanges with the global design community.

The department was recognized as one of the top design schools by Business Week in 2007 and was listed among the top 30 best design programs globally by Business Week in 2009. The department was also ranked among the top 30 best design schools worldwide by Ranker in 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. In terms of curriculum planning, in addition to learning design knowledge, the department places a strong emphasis on creative hands-on experiences. Through an understanding of related fields such as humanities, psychology, society, and technology, students cultivate self-reflection and interdisciplinary critical thinking, enabling them to understand the multifaceted depth and diverse value propositions of industrial design through the process of creative verification.




The idea of our department’s logo is based on abbreviation of s, c, i, and d (Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University). It was inspired by Chinese Fortune Seal, the four letters were arranged according to the traditional arrangement of the seal. The professional seal master composed the letters inside the circle that symbolizes perfection, also contains the message of predicting the future by reviewing the past. The logo contains our traditional culture and the uniqueness of our department and thus will represent us in the global design field.