
MA Courses

Internationalization | Industrialization

碩士班課程強調「實務與理論並重、跨領域課題研究」作為教學特色,碩士班最低畢業學分數30學分 (必修12學分) 碩士班研究生若不具設計專業背景者,則依其專長與性向,加修大學部課程6-12學分。碩士班必修課程包括:高階產品設計(一) (二)、設計文獻研討、設計系列講座等四門課。



The master's program emphasizes a balance between practice and theory, as well as interdisciplinary research. The minimum graduation credits for the master's program are 30 credits, with 12 credits being compulsory. For master's students without a background in design, additional credits of 6-12 may be required based on their expertise and orientation. The compulsory courses for the master's program include Advanced Product Design (I) (II), Design Literature Seminar, and Design Lecture Series.

Furthermore, elective courses are planned according to core competencies and are divided into four main categories: "Humanistic Cultivation and Technological Knowledge," "Design Thinking and Abilities," "Methods, Exhibition, and Communication/Design Technology and Practical Applications," and "Research and Planning." Additionally, the "International Design Interaction & Design Workshop" course aims to broaden students' international perspectives.

Through diverse courses and one-on-one teaching guidance, students are encouraged to engage in independent academic research and practical creation. This approach fosters critical thinking and innovation, allowing students to explore their roles as designers and redefine the concept of design. Ultimately, it opens up diverse possibilities for the development of the design field.