Nyonya Go 娘惹式傢俱組

Designer //  韓紫兒 / Hoh-Jer Er

Contact //  carolinehoh0618@hotmail.com

Discipline //  Furniture Design

橫跨海洋數年之餘, 走過千山萬水,使中念念不忘的,是思念家鄉的味道。來自馬來西亞獨有的“娘惹”文化,由眾人所知的娘惹糕作為出發點,藉由餐桌做為文化的交流點,結構化裝飾性的圖騰,重新喚起沉澱在小時候的文化印象。

Traveling through mountains and rivers, hometown is the most unforgettable. With the unique culture from Malaysia, Nyonya, I use Nyonya cakes as a starting point, making dinner table a place for culture exchange, and structured the decorative patterns. Bringing back my childhood memory of Nyonya.