Fire-V 未來城市消防無人載具

Designer // 謝承恩 / Cheng-En Hsieh    潘敏芳/ Min-Fang Pan

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Discipline //  Transportation Design & UI Design

針對城市狹小巷弄延遲救援的議題, Fire-V 運用輕型的滅火無人機,配備熱像儀、定位感測器等偵查裝備,穿越巷弄先行抵達火場灌救。並且結合物聯網技術,偵查火場資訊回傳指揮官,讓消防員更無畏地執行任務。

To tackle the issue about rescue delay in narrow lanes, Fire-V utilizes unmanned firefighting vehicles equipped with thermal imager and localization sensor to arrive at the fire scene to rescue. With the IoT, accurate assessment of the situation enables firefighters to complete the tasks.