Raito Light 三次源

Designer //  楊賢英 / Hsien-Ying Yang

Contact //  hsienying1995@gmail.com

Discipline //  Lighting Design

每天回家總會看到媽媽為我留一盞燈在玄關,雖然是一盞老舊、昏暗的鹵素燈,但那種溫暖的感覺卻是奪目的白熾燈光無法取代的。因此,我期望 Raito 在居家照明上是祥和放鬆的陪伴,並且透過它能夠平衡黑暗中的孤獨。

Before I get home, my mom always leaves a light for me on the entrance everyday. Although it is an old, dark halogen lamp, the sense of warmness, cannot be replaced by any strikingly incandescent light. Therefore, I expect Raito to be a companion of peace and relaxation in home lighting, and to balance the loneliness.