Bam-bu 竹築

Designer //  楊賢英 / Hsien-Ying Yang

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Discipline //  Furniture Design

竹子是我有點熟悉但又有點模糊的記憶,小時候偷偷爬到阿公的竹搖椅上,青草味又有點泥土氣息,是我回到阿公家最溫暖的記憶。以「竹」作為材料,比起大量生產的家具,透過Bam-bu 賦予生活空間的自然溫度,也象徵家庭生活中團圓之處,也回歸竹子帶給我安穩踏實的感覺。

Bamboo carries a memory that is a little faraway but at the same time familiar with. When I was little, I secretly climbed to grandpa’s bamboo chair. I hope to use “bamboo” as a material. Companing to mass-produced furniture, Bam-bu brings the natural temperature to the living space. It also brings me the feeling of the stability and secure of bamboo.