Bris 居家空氣清淨系統

Designer //  陳孟昀 / Meng-Yun Chen    黃照翔 / Chao-Hsiang Huang

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Discipline //  Product Design

Bris 居家空氣清淨系統,把森林帶進家中,為對空氣敏感的小家庭,讓呼吸回到舒適、自在的狀態,減少家人被髒空氣影響而產生的日常困擾。因應家用,以柔潤線條予人療癒感受;結合手機App 感測資訊,時時保持空氣良好,讓爸媽對於家中環境品質更安心。

Bris home air purification system is for air-sensitive core families. It lets the breath return to a comfortable pattern and reduce family’s daily distress. Bris’s appearance is gentle, providing people delightful feeling. The mobile APP combines sensor data and keeps the air in good quality. Bris lets parents feel more relieved about the quality of their home environment.